Day 19: 20 Days of learning


Attended Google Cloud Community Days India (Day 1)

#GoogleCloudCommunityDaysIndia — is a flagship event organised by 10 GDG Cloud communities in India to help you prepare for Google Cloud Certifications.

Today was the first day of this event and I learned about GCP (Google Cloud Platforms) and it’s certifications.

They taught us about the benefits of GCP certification and roadmap to crack the examination.

GCP included services like, compute engine, Kubernetes, cloud run, app engine, cloud functions and firebase. This list is order in a way that first service is highly customisable and the last is highly managed.

It depends the project need to decide which service is best fit. Google team also arranged some fun activities and quizes, in which anyone can take part and stand a chance to win google swags, and sponsorship for google cloud certification.



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