Importance of portfolio website

Vatsal kulshreshtha
2 min readJan 21, 2021


Day18: 20 Days of learning challenge

So, you are a student or a working professional in computer science indsutry. You must have your resume right beside you, am I right? Do you think only resume is enough for showing your skillset nowadays? Many company ask for your portfolio website (if any). So what is this hype about portfolio websites!

As a student we all learn new technologies and make projects around it, but when it comes to present your project we just share our resume or explain the project verbally. Is it the best way!! Certainly not. We should make our portfolio website which tells the the visitor about us, what kind of person we are? What projects we have done?, Demo of our project?, Skills we have? and contact details. Include a link to download a pdf resume would also be nice.

Now here is a question! Not everyone knows how to build website. To solve this problem I have a suggestion/solution. I personally don’t know much about frontend website building stuff. So, I had to choose, either to learn how to make website or to find a better way to get my website up and running. Initially I learned how to make website in HTML/CSS but after that I found an easy way. Bootstrap Studio (software which helps us to build websites quickly) offers a wide variety of portfolio website templates. This software can be downloaded for free if you have GitHub Student Developer Pack. Or You can download portfolio templates which are available online for free.

For domain name of your portfolio website. GitHub Student Developer Pack has it covered, It offers .me domains for free fro one year which is perfect for a portfolio website. My website name used to be (Not working as of now).

Go ahead and make yourself a perfect website which defines your personality and skills.



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