Project ideas to test your skills

Vatsal kulshreshtha
2 min readJan 15, 2021


Day 12: 20 Days of learning challenge

As I always say, do not take ideas from internet. Try to solve a problem which you and your surroundings are facing. Wether you make an app or a website it’s all about motive behind it.

Anyhow, if you want some good ideas, here is the list:


  1. Portfolio website (HTML, CSS & Javascript): It is the most important project you can make and showcase your skills.
  2. Weather Application (Mobile App): It will give you the taste of networking in mobile applications
  3. Blog Website (Any Frontend Framework — React, Angular, Vue, Flask, Django etc.): You can learn CRUD operations by building this project.
  4. NEWS (App or website): Use any News API and make a robust and interactive frontend.
  5. Automation Bot (Python, Selenium): Make a bot which automate your daily tasks. Example: Auto join your online class 😅.
  6. Covid tracker (Mobile App): There are many online api which provides data related to covid like, number of active cases, total recovered etc.
  7. Check who’s at home (Networking, Python — Advanced): Check who is at home by using your wifi. Send notification when a person connects to your wifi.
  8. Pomodoro (Mobile App): The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method. You can make an app and use it in your daily routine.
  9. Restaurant app/website: Make a marketplace for your hypothetical restaurant menu. Add a checkout feature and integrate payment gateway. (I prefer Stripe)
  10. Web Scraper: Take data from different website and make an API. (Note: Web scraping is not allowed in many websites… be careful.)
  11. Facebook/Twitter Clone: This is a best way to practice full stack development.
  12. Home server (Networking): This is my personal favourite and if you want to make one, all you need is an old PC/laptop and an Internet connection. Contact me if you face any issues. Insta Handle: @vatsal_iosdev



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